Saturday, December 12, 2015

Scientist are now contacting Aliens

Scientist conceives a new way of contacting Aliens

If aliens are out there, do we really need to let them know that we are here especially since we have not yet created a global planetary defense system. More importantly, do we have to do it in a way that will make them to immediately hate us and want us to vanquish us as soon as possible? That’s what Seth Shostak, the director of the Center for SETI Research at the SETI Institute, suggests in the New York Times With a crazy plan, beam the entire Internet in the space.

“We could beam the contents of the Internet into space” writes Shostak. “Such a large corpus – with text, pictures, videos and sounds would enable wise aliens to decipher our society a lot and formulate question that could be answered with the material at hand. sending the web on the way. would take months, if a radio transmitter is used. A powerful laser, conveying bits more like to an optical fiber, could send these data in a few days.”

I’m sorry, but this is absolutely the worst idea ever.

I spend most of my day searching the internet for interesting news to write about and I will tell you, there are times when the Internet makes me want to see humanity gone.

Whether it’s trolls driving Zelda Williams from Twitter after her father died last summer, or people issuing death threats because of video games or people who setting up revenge porn sites, the Internet is filled with humanity behaving at their absolute worst. And do we really want to aliens learning about human communication via YouTube comments? Imagine a spaceship landing on Earth, and the first thing the tiny green man inside says is “Take me to your leader” but “1/10, would not anally probe.”

Not everything on the Internet is bad, of course, but it probably will not make us overly decent beings in the sight of beings from other planets. For example, aliens may find it nice that we are very obsessed with taking videos of our cats … until they realize that we scoop their feces from a litter box each day. What kind of “intelligent beings” voluntarily scoop waste of a lesser creature on a regular basis?

In any case, I do not think this idea is everywhere so it’s not something that should get us worried. But the next time you want to Photoshop sperm on the face any celebrity and post it on 4chan for the lolz, remember that in the future, that image could the very first impression that aliens have about humanity.

Scientist are now contacting Aliens

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